We found this car in Wisconsin. The car is dark green, with a white convertible top and black interior. The car comes equipped with a 428 V8, 4-speed manual transmission and front bench seats! According to a Marti report that we purchased, only 2 1968 Ford Galaxie XL convertibles were equipped with a 4-speed and bench seats and only ONE had this color combination. The car runs great and was used for most of last summer as a daily driver.

1968 Ford Galaxie XL Convertible

2 responses to “1968 Ford Galaxie XL Convertible”
If you guys have an E-mail list it would be really nice to see what comes and goes.You know how it is I like to see what is around and I always share good “finds”with fellow collectors Thank for taking the time to share. Mark
is the 1968 ford convertible for sale? Please call me at 206-979-5089 thank you
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